6 Asheville-Area startups are hitting the road to bring a showcase of funding-ready startups to Charlotte, Winston-Salem, Durham and Cary for two days in March. Each of these startups is actively raising a round, valued around $3,500,000 in total. Industries range from solar energy driven solutions to craft beverages. The founders will each give an 8-minute pitch followed by 5 minutes of Q&A. Following the event, there will be time for networking. Keep reading to see the schedule and learn about the pitching companies. Tickets are free, but registration is required.

Presenting Companies:

  • Brightfield Transportation Services – Delivering commercial Solar Driven® charging solutions for the rapidly expanding electric vehicle marketplace.
  • Char Grow -Probiotics for plants, enabling growers to cut costs, improve yields and move away from harmful chemicals.
  • Burban – Cheap food, drinks, and entertainment, conveniently laid out on a map.
  • Elite HRV – Removing the guesswork from health and fitness by making advanced biomarkers easy and accessible.
  • Adoratherapy – Manufacturer of innovative aromatherapy products
  • Ginger’s Revenge – A craft brewery in North Asheville focused on the production on alcoholic ginger beer.


Bonus pitch in Asheville
March 15, 3pm, Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce 2nd floor Boardroom
Email Jeffrey Kaplan for an invitation.

March 18

March 19

Please direct questions to Venture Asheville Director, Jeffrey Kaplan (jkaplan@ventureasheville.com)
