Over time as corporations grow, mature, and formalize, executives delegate to managers and managers coordinate across divisions, and divisions lead to bureaucracy and red tape. At each stage of corporate growth, the entrepreneurial spirit is diminished. Growing levels of specialization reinforce a commitment to maintaining the status quo. Therefore, innovations can only be pursued with a nearly guaranteed positive Return on Investment (ROI).
A new model is needed. Entrepreneurship is the process of creating value by leveraging a unique combination of resources. Entrepreneurs learn from failure, do more with less, and delight customers.
Venture Asheville, with partnership from the Economic Development Coalition of Asheville-Buncombe County and the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce bring the Corporate Entrepreneurship Institute to Buncombe County to create a Professional Development and Continuing Education track for the rising leadership of Asheville’s businesses.
Over the course of eight half-day workshops over eight weeks, participants will learn how entrepreneurial organizations operate, startup methodologies, and how to perform and lead entrepreneurially.
Throughout the Corporate Entrepreneurship Institute, participants are expected to work on an internal project to present at the end of the program. This ensures participants utilize the skills they are learning and are working on productive projects for their companies.
We are thrilled to bring the Corporate Entrepreneurship Institute to the public and share the models, tools, and frameworks of proven innovation and sustainable growth. We know we can supercharge your organization and develop your future leaders with this training.
Feel free to contact me with any questions. Hope to have you or someone from you organization in a cohort soon. Our first cohort will launch in February 2022, applications are open now at www.ventureasheville.com/cei Contact Jeffrey Kaplan with any questions.